
Fighting For Peace CH.8

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CelticWolfie's avatar

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   The fight started when Elana crossed blades with an enemy Vampire.  The vampire hissed at her, Elana just snarled and jumped back. Elana swung her sword over her head and tried to hit the vampire from his right, her left. The vampire dodged it and ran into the forest. Elana heard screaming in the forest.  She remembered that the villagers might be hiding there. She ran into the forest to see that same vampire trying to attack them, but a Dryad was keeping him from harming them. Elana growled and jumped at the vampire, swinging her sword wildly at him.

   Tirra was running through the village looking around, watching her knights and guards fighting the rogues, fighting to protect the people who live here. She watched a few of the knights escorting a few of the villagers into the forest for protection. She looked around; she was still upset from the sight of all of this… The fire, the destruction, She never wanted to see this again and yet, the past has caught up with the future.  She never wanted to let Otay see what war was.

   Now Otay was running through the bushes, not knowing that she was running towards the endless plains. She noticed that she was going downhill.  She never had any thoughts about where she was going or who she was going to bump into. She saw that the forest soon ended just a few yards away. She sped up, sprinting breathlessly. She ran through the edge of the forest and ran into the tall grass of the endless plains. She was frightened by the environment change. She soon ran around trying to figure out where she was. She soon bumped into, what felt like a tree. She looked up to see a dragon with pupil-less eyes; it looked like it was wearing a coat.  She gasped and stumbled back. When she was about to scream the dragon picked her up by the arm.

   "Hey guys! Look what I found! A human! Just the right snack." The dragon shouted, its voice sounded female.

   "It's too small to be a snack for all of us, Lust!" A fluffy dragon hissed, its voice sounded male, and its eyes had pupils. He walked up to Otay. Otay whimpered as the dragon walked up to her. Through her eyes the fluffy dragon looked like death, hidden in his cloak and holding his scythe.

   "Who said I would be sharing with you, moron!" Lust snapped at the fluffy dragon. Wrath watched the two fight over Otay. He sniffed the air and recognized the scent. He growled loudly and stomped towards them.

   "She is not a snack! She is of royal blood!" Wrath roared. Tennor was also watching everything, but he was hiding in the safety of the shadows, planning on how to save the princess.

   "So?!" The fluffy dragon stupidly blurted out.

   "So?! So?! Fear, you idiot! Think for a moment!" Wrath jumped at the dragon, then he started to relax, his voice soften just slightly as he slowly turned his attention to Otay. "We have the princess right? The Queen will hear that she is missing and go look for her. We keep the princess as a prisoner of war and ask the queen to surrender and give up the dream of peace. Then we can kill them both."

   Lust nodded liking the idea. Fear on the other hand decided to question Wrath. "What if she doesn't give up? What if she tries to attack?"

   "She won't, but if she does…" Wrath placed a claw against Otay's throat. "The princess won't see another day."

   Tennor's eyes widen. He couldn't believe they would try to hurt his only friend. He looked around, only to find a large stick. He grabbed the stick. He screamed loud enough that his screams echoed through the forest, and then he charged towards the three legendary dragons. Lust mindlessly dropped Otay and charged at Tennor. Otay ran the other way.

   "No!!! Lust!! You're letting the girl get away! Fear! Depression! Catch her!" Wrath roared. A dragon with drooping pupil-less eyes, torn wings,  grey, drooping long fur that acts like a beard, a mane, fore-arm hair and fur at the tip of his tail, and he had a scar were his heart was and at his stomach, he got up. Otay bumped into him. The dragon, who responded at the name "Depression", looked at Otay. Otay stepped back and saw Fear, Otay still saw him as death, running at her. Otay hugged Depression as if he was the only thing that could save her right now.

   Fear skid to a stop and shaded his eyes. Otay let go of Depression and looked up at him to see him glowing, his frown turned into a smile. As the light dimmed he turned into stone.

   "Whoa…" Otay mumbled to herself. Fear snarled and charged at Otay. Otay heard Fear, looked back to see him running at her, then she ran as fast as she could away from him.  She only shouted one word. "Help!!"

   Then from the forest the sounds of many people fighting was heard.

Chapter eight. ^^;

If you are confused or have a question just tell me.
© 2011 - 2024 CelticWolfie
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DareWeBelieve's avatar
-noticed I hadn't commented in awhile; is a silent reader-
Fight, fight, fight. xD
Great job!